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Impersonal constructions

Examples and translations needed
Clarify grammatical case of objects and dummy subjects

The sentence, clause or verb are called impersonal when the subject or agent of action is absent. Indefinite pronoun and omitted “you” in imperatives are not considered as absent subject. In English subject of such expressions must be specified by dummy pronoun “it” (or less often “one”: “One does not simply walk into Mordor”), but in Nûrlâm it is not necessary, or even ungrammatical. Impersonal sentences may have objects or patients. Typical situations when impersonal clauses are used include:

  • Action is being done by force of nature or supernatural being: “He was blown away”;
  • Verb expresses the state of being (or it's transformation) of person or animal: “It's cold for me” = “I feel cold”, compare with personal “I'm cold” = “I'm (always) cold (to the touch of others)”
  • Verb expresses the state of weather: “It's sunny”, “It's getting darker”;
  • General possibility or allowance to do (or not to do) an action, often used with various directive modalities: “It's not allowed to make fire here”, “On holidays one can sleep long”;
  • “Do-er” of action (agent) is unknown and not specified by indefinite pronoun: “I was told that…”;

The action of impersonal construction is usually expressed by:

  • The verb in 3rd person singular (but 3rd person plural is possible if it's known that action was done by group of people or animals);
  • Compound predicate: the verb “to be”, “to get” or “to become” in required tense and 3rd person singular + adverb or adverbial phrase;
  • Word “no” with some description, usually in dependent clauses: “No way!”, “He runs like there is no tomorrow”. Usually it means that verb “to be” is omitted. Object of such sentences should be in genitive case, but this rule is often ignored in colloquial speech;
  • Infinitive or Gerundive: “Nothing to see here”, “(it's) Time to go”, “It's not possible to not drink now” (may be transformed into personal with subject expressed by infinitive: “To not drink now is impossible”);
  • Modal verb with infinitive: “(One) may go” = “It's allowed to go”;
  • Passive past participle: “It's shitted here”, “It's not finished yet at my side”;

Patient of impersonal verb is often expressed by noun in Dative case, like in German “Mir ist kalt” (literally “to me it's cold”) instead of “Ich bin kalt” (“I'm cold”). Similar expressions are used in Russian (but usually with 3rd person plural or 3rd person neuter singular). This is especially true for sentences describing state of being and verbs requiring object in dative case.

Impersonal clauses often have a shade of passivity and often used instead of passive voice when agent of action is not specified: “He was blown away”, “I was told that …” (not impersonal in English but impersonal in Nûrlâm). Sometimes it vice versa, impersonal clauses of English like “it rains” may be translated in Black Speech with personal constructions “rain goes”, “rain falls”, “rain pours”, “there is rain” which usually occurs when corresponding verbs are missing in dictionary. Another example of translating of English impersonal sentence into personal in Nûrlâm are phrases like “It's not he who …”, which are translated into something like “Not-he (did something)”.

English expressions “There is/are/was/were/will …” do not count as impersonal constructions in Nûrlâm. See Existential clause article for further information.

You can notice that famous “Uglúk u bagronk...” phrase is also impersonal, moreover it has no verb too! “Uglúk” here is direct object and “u bagronk” is indirect object. However with less strict approach one may say that preposition “u” took verbal meaning “go to” (and that is probably why it was used standalone), then “Uglúk” is subject.

Grammatical case of objects in impersonal sentences

The grammatical case of object of impersonal sentences depends on context. Genitive case is used with expressions of absence (started with “no”). Dative case is used with verbs that usually require this case (“give”, “tell”, etc.) or with verbs expressing state (may be omitted) or transformation and following adverbial phrases.

syntax_impersonal.1625417828.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/07 15:31 (external edit)