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Subject of sentence

More info about Agent, Patient and ergativity should be added

Subject is one of two main parts of sentence together with predicate. It usually express the person or thing which makes or is modified by the action (predicate). However subject may be omitted, typically in impersonal and imperative clauses. Subject may be presented by following forms:

  • Noun or pronoun (optionally with determiner);
  • Gerundive or Infinitive (optionally with dependent words);
  • Dependent sentence or clause;
  • may be absent but implied (e.g. in imperative clauses like “Do your job!”)

Examples needed

It may be hard to distinguish subject from other parts of sentence when subject is an enclitic pronoun becoming a prefix of person (“Tathrokh” = “he eats”)

syntax_subject.1623090564.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/07 15:31 (external edit)