====== Zero Derivation ====== **//Derivation//** is the process of forming new word from an existing one, usually to change its lexical category or part of speech (for example to make verb from noun). It is usually done by adding [[prefixes|prefix]] or [[suffix_derivational|suffix]]. In [[Nûrlâm]] derivation is often made without adding any additional affix. Such derivation is called **//zero derivation//**, **//null derivation//** or **//conversion//**. For example verb "skoir" (to fly) is made from noun "skoir" (wing). Conversion of verbs into nouns and vice versa is especially frequent. Words created with zero derivation usually may be still easily distinguished from each other because of following factors: * word order: "blûz blûz" (= "grind grain!"), "Ulkblûz blûz blûz" (= "Evil-Seed, grind grain!") ; * adding article-suffix //-um// to nouns: "blûz blûz**um**" (= "grind **the** grain!"); * adding quantifiers before nouns: "blûz **mûd** blûz" (= "grind **some** grain!"); * usually some other grammatical affixes are added: "Ulkblûz blûz**â** blûz" (= "Evil-Seed grind**s** grain");