====== Lessons ====== Here is the list of lessons for studying the conlang called [[Nûrlâm]], yet another fan [[black_speech_dialects|dialect]] of Tolkien's [[black_speech|Black Speech]]. * Overview of Nûrlâm dialect - The very basics: * [[:lessons:pronunciation|Orthography, pronunciation, phonology]] * [[:lessons:nouns|Nouns, articles]] * [[:lessons:counting|Counting: numerals, quantifier words]] * [[:lessons:commands|Verbs: commands and imperatives]] * [[:lessons:adjectives|Descriptive words: adjectives and word order]] * [[:lessons:agglutination|Agglutination and clitics]] * [[:lessons:declension_classes|Declension classes]] * [[:lessons:verbs_1|Verbs: present tense, 3rd person endings. Simple sentences]] * [[:lessons:adverbs_1|Descriptive words: adverbs]] * [[:lessons:verbs_2|Verbs: past tense. More adverbs]] * [[:lessons:adpositions_1|Prepositions and postpositions]] * [[:lessons:verbs_3|Verbs: future tense]] * [[:lessons:copula|Verbs: to be]] * [[:lessons:subject_pronouns|Pronouns: subject]] * [[:lessons:object_pronouns|Pronouns: object]] * [[:lessons:negation|Negation]] * [[:lessons:genitive|Cases: genitive]] * [[:lessons:dative|Cases: dative]] - Deeper knowledge: * [[:lessons:aspects|Verbs: aspects]] * [[:lessons:questions_1|Questions: general, alternative, disjunctive]] * Cases: essive * [[:lessons:comparative|Descriptive words: comparison]] * Pro-forms: demonstrative * Existential sentences * Cases: allative and elative * Cases: adessive and inessive * Cases: ablative and elative * Directions * Cases: instrumental and comitative * Participles * Predicatives * Compound verbs and infinitives * [[:lessons:numerals_2|More about numerals]] * [[lessons:adverbs_2|Descriptive words: adverbials and their word order]] * Pro-forms: relative. Complex sentences * Cases: intrative - Advanced: * [[:lessons:questions_2|Special questions and interrogative pro-forms]] * Pro-forms: indefinite * Pronouns: reflexive and reciprocal. * Pronouns: declension in cases. * Compound sentences. Conjunctions. * Verbs: passive * Gerundive * Possession and ownership * Impersonal sentences * Abundance and absence * [[:lessons:adpositions_2|More prepositions and postpositions]] * Verbs: subjunctive mood * Verbs: grammatical voices beyond passive * Direct and indirect speech - Mastering the language: * Making new words: derivational suffixes * Verbs: phrasal verbs, prefixes * Affix order: nouns * Affix order: verbs