====== Grammatical person ====== **//Grammatical person//** shows distinction between references to participants of an action. It's closely related to set of //personal// pronouns and affects verbs. See [[wp>grammatical_person|Wikipedia]] for more information. There are three persons similarly to many European languages. However according to popular belief that Sauron forbade using 1st person singular ("I"), only 3rd person pronouns and verbs has separate form of singular [[grammar_number|number]]. This part of the language was changed several times during creation of Nûrlâm dialect and in Black Speech hypothetical [[black_speech_evolution|history]]. Strictly speaking only 3rd person is marked with verb's suffix in [[Nûrlâm]] (when subject is not a personal pronoun, e.g. noun, infinitive, indefinite pronoun, etc.), while all [[pronouns#personal_pronouns|personal pronouns]] are attached to the verb as [[clitics]], and standalone pronouns are usually omitted, these enclitic pronouns resemble markers of person too. If standalone pronoun is used then verb doesn't have marker of person. {{page>include:personal_pronouns}}