
Nûrlâm dialect is under construction. The rules and dictionary are frequently updated, so there will be no lessons or full grammar guide until things will settle down. The current state can be accessed through Wiki.

Here is the quick overview of Nûrlâm's distinct features:

  • Nouns, non-personal pronouns and adjectives do not have plural form. They are plural by default, and require explicitly mentioned quantity (e.g. "ash" = "one"). Personal pronouns and verbs however do have category of number.
  • Personal pronouns have distinct forms for subject and object of sentence. Subject pronouns are prefixed, object pronouns are suffixed to the verb (see Parma Eldalamberon, #17).
  • Suffix -um is treated only as definite article (see PE17). For abstract nouns use -urm instead.
  • Suffix -at is treated like gerundive (see PE17). This form is widely used in grammar, e.g. to express intention, orders, future passive tense, some grammatical moods and other forms.
  • Grammar is verb-centered, e.g. verbs carry information about subject's number. Various verb forms like participles and gerundive play an important role in grammar and syntax, substituting other parts of speech and expressions.
  • Support for derivatives and subdialects.

As for now you, can download Grammar Quick Reference where I've collected charts needed for every translation – it is not enough to use the language fully, but is good supplementary material.