
Lesson V – Verbs: Future Tense

Future tenses are formed by adding the suffix “ub” to the verb stem. In third person singular and plural, add the verb ending after “ub”. For example:

gimbub I will find gimbub we will find
gimbub you (sing.) will find gimbub you (pl.) will find
gimbubat he/she/it will find gimbubut they will find


dulgat     to point
fulgat to dwell
gashnat to speak, to command
globat to fool (someone)
gundat to stand

Translation Exercise

Translate the following sentences into Black Speech:

The men will gather
The warriors will stand
I will call
You (sing.) will devour
You (pl.) will speak
The trolls will speak
I will speak
Saruman will bring
The beasts will find
The Urûk-people will lure
You (sing.) will bind
They will stand
They will fool
The elves will kill
The elf will stand
The trolls will find
The troll will rule
The Nazgûl (sing.) will bring
The elves will rule
I will dwell
She will point
The Nazgûl (pl.) will point
The beasts will dwell
The Urûk (pl.) will devour
 English-specific by Un4givenOrc:

A Little Tip

I noticed that Black Speech tenses are similar to Russian. And Russian non-perfect future verbs are formed similar to English Future Continuous. Therefore I've decided to copy this rule to Black Speech. So, translate Future Continuous and Future Perfect Continuous following way: kulat (to be) in required tense and person plus infinitive (instead of English V-ing). Future Indefinite and Future Perfect are translated with -ub suffix as described above. I'll give you some examples:

Orcs will kill Uruk azubut
Orcs will be killing Uruk kulubut azat
Orcs will have killed Uruk azubut
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